Driver error often responsible for truck rollovers

Jun 24, 2019 | Truck Accidents

Media coverage pertaining to large truck accidents can look terrifying, but like many Washington residents, you may believe it is something that will never happen to you. Unfortunately, as we are aware at the Greaney Scudder Law Firm, serious motor vehicle accidents can happen without warning to anyone. Accidents involving semis can be some of the most devastating.

Rollover accidents are common among large trucks, since big rigs can be unbalanced and more easily lose control than smaller vehicles. You may have seen photographs of an 18-wheeler tipped on its side or rolled down an embankment, which can be frightening just to look at. As the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration explains, truck driver error is often found to be the cause of rollover accidents, in the following ways:

  • Shifting or improperly loaded cargo
  • Speeding, changing lanes too quickly or taking a turn too fast
  • Inadequately maintained brakes or tires

However, as you may also realize, an accident can occur despite the driver doing his or her best to prevent it. Trucks can lose control easily in adverse weather, road or traffic conditions. Brakes and tires may fail despite careful maintenance and repair. Other drivers may contribute to a truck driver being in an accident, which can cause a chain reaction crash.

Truck rollovers can be especially catastrophic if the truck collides with or crushes nearby vehicles or creates a chain reaction situation. You may be eligible for compensation if a negligent driver or trucking company is found responsible for your injuries, as our page on truck accidents explains.